Monday 31 March 2014

#commedesgarcons homme plus. the first 5 collections shot by #peterlindbergh #arthurelgort #bruceweber 1985-1987. mail if you want them. they're very good.

moody. #commedesgarcons homme plus no.1

phwoooar! #commedesgarcons homme plus 1985-1987. the first 5 ever catalogs. this one by #bruceweber others by #peterlindbergh and #arthurelgort

slash no.2 1977 featuring the #wierdos and #seditionaries mail if you want it

anarchy on sunset strip. #slash #seditionaries shoot 1977

anarchy on sunset strip. nice #seditionaries shoot from 1977.

stupidly good. mail if you want it. #peterbeard diary 1993.

#bruceweber x #peterbeard for his diary, 1993.

#peterbeard diary. one of the best books you're ever likely to see.

funny little thing. #margiela book ca 2007. never seen it before.

#mmm line 22 #margiela

maison #martin #margiela mmm artisan line