Monday 2 September 2013

Search & Destroy complete run (1-11)

The best punk zine ever. Started with two $100 loan from Lawrence Ferlenghetti and Allan Ginsberg. The U.S. scene, far from being a poor impersonation of the British movement, soon developed an energy and talent of its own, which was documented in its own home-grown magazine, "Search and Destroy", edited by V. Vale between 1977 and 1979. Sums up the more intelligent end of the movement. Featuring Patti Smith, Vivienne Westwood, Nico, the Buzzcocks, the Clash, the Cramps, Siousxie, the Damned, Captain Beefheart, Throbbing Gristle, Devo, Iggy Pop, Cabaret Voltaire, the Dead Kennedys, and the Ramones, alongside writers and filmmakers such as William Burroughs, J.G. Ballard, John Waters, Russ Meyer and David Lynch. An amazing and complete overview of the U.S. Punk/New Wave scene in its infancy, as well as being an important link between the beat movement and punk. All issues are in perfect condition.