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Friday, 25 November 2016
olivetti concept and form, 1970. dm for info/purchase. #olivetti
woman 1975. featuring carol jerrems, rennie ellis and a host of australia's finest! dm for info/purchase. #rennieellis #caroljerrems
skinhead girls. or more likely sharpies. woman 1975. featuring carol jerrems, rennie ellis and a host of australia's finest! dm for info/purchase. #rennieellis #caroljerrems #sharpie #skinheadgirl
woman 1975. featuring carol jerrems, rennie ellis and a host of australia's finest! dm for info/purchase. #rennieellis #caroljerrems
a wonder of art direction. from the paris collections invitations 1983-1993. dm for info/purchase. #pariscollections #commedesgarcons #yohjiyamamoto #kenzo #zucca #martinesitbon #marcascoli #driesvannoten
thierry mugler a/w 1985-1986. from the paris collections invitations 1983-1993. dm for info/purchase. #pariscollections #thierrymugler
jean paul gaultier a/w 1989-1990. from the paris collections invitations 1983-1993. dm for info/purchase. #pariscollections #jeanpaulgaultier
Saturday, 19 November 2016
Gus Van Sant / 108 Portraits
A beautiful production. "he film director's debut collection of portrait-photographs. Every subject is photographed in exactly th...
Friday, 18 November 2016
penelope slinger. 50% the visible woman. published and signed by slinger in 1971. dm for info/purchase. #pennyslinger #penelopeslinger #signed
penelope slinger. 50% the visible woman. published and signed by slinger in 1971. dm for info/purchase. #pennyslinger #penelopeslinger #signed
penelope slinger. 50% the visible woman. published and signed by slinger in 1971. dm for info/purchase. #pennyslinger #penelopeslinger #signed
vanity magazine 1984. antonio lopez/ anna piaggi / bill cunningham. dm for info/purchase.
bill cunningham shoots miyake for anna piaggi's vanity magazine, 1984. dm for info/purchase. #annapiaggi #billcunningham #antoniolopez #isseymiyake
bill cunningham shoots moschino for anna piaggi's vanity magazine, 1984. dm for info/purchase. #annapiaggi #billcunningham #antoniolopez #vanity #moschino
zappa zine. published by sun ra research. dm for info/purchase. #frankzappa
zappa zine. published by sun ra research. dm for info/purchase. #frankzappa
zappa zine. published by sun ra research. dm for info/purchase. #frankzappa
yohji yamamoto s/s 1986. nick knight / peter saville/ ascoli. dm for info/purchase. #yohjiyamamoto #nickknight #petersaville #marcoascoli
yohji yamamoto s/s 1986. nick knight / peter saville/ ascoli. dm for info/purchase. #yohjiyamamoto #nickknight #petersaville #marcoascoli
Thursday, 17 November 2016
la nueva ola. #migueltrillo from some #movidamadrileña material I'm currently working on.
the future. as it was. from some #movidamadrileña material I'm currently working on.
los rockers. #migueltrillo 1980. from some #movidamadrileña material I'm currently working on.
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
opening tonight 6-8pm @tenderbooks an exhibition of #artslab material 1969-1971. with #jgballard #davidbowie #johnhopkins #jimhaynes #coum #communes #theatre #music #film
opening tonight 6-8pm @tenderbooks an exhibition of #artslab material 1969-1971. with #jgballard #davidbowie #johnhopkins #jimhaynes #coum #communes #theatre #music #film and an unsuspecting member of the public who just snuck in
opening tonight 6-8pm @tenderbooks an exhibition of #artslab material 1969-1971. with #jgballard #davidbowie #johnhopkins #jimhaynes #coum #communes #theatre #music #film
opening tonight 6-8pm @tenderbooks an exhibition of #artslab material 1969-1971. with #jgballard #davidbowie #johnhopkins #jimhaynes #coum #communes #theatre #music #film
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
bbc man alive documentary, 1969. #skinheads. well worth a watch!
does it worry you that your son is a #skinhead? from bbc man alive documentary, 1969.
cheer up- you're never too young to be a #skinhead from bbc man alive documentary, 1969.
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