Thursday, 11 July 2024
Annie Flanders / Details Volume 1 (all issues)
"Yes, you're on the list. In most of New York's private clubs, if you're on the list, you're in. Then you never know what to expect inside. The same applies here at Details: if you're on our list, you're in. In for surprises. We're a private publication. Our doorman is your mailman." The magazine that introduced Bill Cunningham to the world amongst other things. I would argue that as far as fashion and the culture of fashion goes, this is the best 'thing' there is, it's really hard to find anything so consistently thorough, on the mark and good.
Annie Flanders / Details Volumes 1-4.
"Yes, you're on the list. In most of New York's private clubs, if you're on the list, you're in. Then you never know what to expect inside. The same applies here at Details: if you're on our list, you're in. In for surprises. We're a private publication. Our doorman is your mailman." The golden years as far as style in downtown NYC, chronicled by Cunningham and Flanders and with a dizzying array of contributors. A key piece of fashion history.