Domus Moda 1+2 (all published issues)

In 81 Mendini took over from Gio Ponti as editor of Domus. During his tenure the magazine modernised and broadened it's scope in terms of both design theory and new modes of practice. Mendini also had a deep interest in fashion and clothing- and the short lived Domus Moda was the result of his intention to inscribe fashion into the broader discourse of design and design culture. Chaired by Mendini, Sottsass was appointed as designer, with art direction handled by Studio Alchimia and texts by Barbara Radice, Franco Raggi, Paola Navone, Anna Piaggi and Andrea Branzi. Though the magazine declares itself to be a fashion magazine, it is more an enquiry into fashion by a group of architects and designers than a straightforward fashion publication per se. Mendini eschews celebrity and editorial in favour of construction, socio-political context and technological innovation. As one would expect, the art direction is phenomenal, unlike any other magazine from the period, and overall it is a sideways look at clothing through the eyes of designers and theorists. Alas it would appear that in 1981 architects were not particularly interested in reading about clothes, nor were fashion designers interested in reading Mendini's complex theories, so Domus Moda was suspended after only 2 issues due to financial problems and lack of interest. Had the magazine continued one can only imagine the results of what was a very ambitious attempt at cross-pollination.

Friday, 15 September 2017

Brian Griffin and Barney Bubbles / Copyright

Elegant and quiet work made in collaboration with Barney Bubbles and self published in 1978. Griffin was at the time working for Management Today and shooting musicians, and despite his discreet profile was later hailed as the greatest photographer of the 80's.

Raf Simons - Closer (Autumn Winter 2003)

Raf Simons's collaboration with Peter Saville, Closer, borrowed graphics from Saville's archive and in particular the Factory years. SImon's obsession with the fringes of youth culture brought to it's logical conclusion.