Thursday, 31 July 2014
Important magazine that comprised a key part of the flowering of youth/alternative culture that grew in post facist Madrid and was known as the Movida Madrilena. So of course very Pedro Almadovar heavy with lots of features on his first and very early works, mainly film criticism and images but also post punk and new wave groups such as Alaska y los Pegamoides, Los Zombies, Los Modelos, Rubi y los Casinos, where to go out, what to wear, who's who, photographs from the likes of Alberto Garcia Alix and so on. Aside of covering the important part of the local scene there are big features on Warhol, the Sex Pistols, John Waters, Alain Resnais, Nina Hagen and other stars of the alternative international stage. A brilliant document of an important but overlooked movement in the history of youth culture.
Baron Wolman / Mary Peacock / Rags
Exeedingly scarce and incredible countercultural artefact with just a few copies being held institutionally. Baron Wolman worked for Rolling Stone in the 60s and decided to club together with a couple of others to document more interesting people i.e. the ones they all saw walking along the Haight and hanging around San Francisco's more left leaning squats and communes. The result is Rags, the first ever street style magazine, and one of the first magazines to document fashion (or anti fashion) from the street rather than the catwalk or society, the magazine's echoes and legacy can be seen today in early i-D, The Face, Purple and pretty much every modern fashion magazine. The contents are brillant, from straight ups as they were later called by Terry Jones to articles on what barbers, corpses and make up counter clerks wear along with killer shoots and articles. Also features half the SF scene of the time such as Sylvester, The Cockettes, various groups of groupies (GTO's I think). ' is not an isolated moment on some exotic island with a porcelain model, but simply an everyday sense of how people are dressing themselves.' - Baron Wolman. A key moment in the history of fashion publishing.