Wednesday 22 April 2015

and #driesvannoten 1988. by #billcunningham from his coverage of the original #antwerpsix presentation. that's history right there! bill seems impressed by the young designers. and quite rightly too. mail if you want it

#waltervanbeirendonck by #billcunningham from the first #antwerpsix presentation, london, 1988.

#anndemeulemeester 1988 by #billcunningham from the first presentation of the #antwerpsix

both from #markborthwick #mykita out of this world. and it is. mail if you want it

new(ish) #markborthwick

#markborthwick x #mykita 2014

#karlheinzweinberger new in today! along with #commedesgarcons #markborthwick #gusvansant #alaia #bertienvanmanen #joeszabo and more!

from #cityindians killer book on #london #subcultures published 1983

blockbuster week- #peterlindbergh for #commedesgarcons 1986 on today's list