Thursday 2 October 2014

all his films, all in one book. #bruceweber filmography 2005. mail if you want it

teenage love machine #leonardodicaprio by #bruceweber

#chetbaker from #bruceweber filmography

mister freedom, #williamklein more 60s than the 60s. new in today. mail if you want it

mister freedom #williamklein

#sergegainsbourg fooling around in #williamklein mister freedom, 1969

#blumarine s/s 96 by #juergenteller with #anniemorton

#anniemorton by #juergenteller 1996

#juergenteller #anniemorton 1996

all amazing all the time. today's list over at

#tinabarney the europeans. from today's list

today's list- and it's a killer. #williamklein #billhenson #sergegainsbourg etc