Saturday 15 June 2013

#yohjiyamamoto by #paoloroversi 1997

#yohjiyamamoto by #paoloroversi 1997

#yohjiyamamoto by #paoloroversi 1997

Yohji Yamamoto Y's for Men

Undated and Uncredited this one's a bit of a mystery. Published in Tokyo, huge and beautiful, featuring very classic Yamamoto fare, with men, women and old people modelling. Nice.

Yohji Yamamoto F/W 1997-1998

One of the best of the M/M period. Paolo Roversi on top form shooting Kirsten Owen. M/M photocopy, distort, bleach and rearrange on numerous papers, sizes and colours. A triumph of art direction.

Yohji Yamamoto F/W 1998-1999

Right- no ordinary look book here, Inez and Vinoodh shoot, Maggie Rizer models, and M/M art direct. Very surreal props, framing, lighting and connotations of witchcraft vie for equal attention with the clothes, which of course are super.

Yohji Yamamoto S/S 2001

Great as always Yamamoto featuring Erika Wall. Production is insane. Basically like a giant notepad, the design is structural, so the photography is pretty untampered with compared to most M/M collaborations, and shows some of McDean's better work.

Yohji Yamamoto Homme A/W 2000-2001

20 pages of contrasty black & white boy amazingness.