Wednesday, 22 July 2015

both from l'hotel, 1984. very brilliant and very rare voyeuristic artists book. mail if you want it

chambre 44. #sophiecalle


both from #ryanmcginley life adjustment center, 2010. this copy 1 if 100 #signed copies. about as good as it gets kids! mail if you want it

flying sparks #ryanmcginley 2010

#ryanmcginley 2010

both from #billgaskins good #hair bad #hair it is at the title might suggest, all about hair. and it's a stonker mail if you want it

ahem. #philly again, 1982 #billgaskins

at the #philly vs #dc hair show 1994. #billgaskins

eerie perverse and incredible. #guybourdin sighs and whispers 1976. really one of the best mail if you want it

shady. #guybourdin for #bloomingdales 1976

levitation. #ralphlauren by #guybourdin 1976