Saturday, 20 June 2015

#jeanmichelbasquiat and #madonna from the downtown 81 book.

#debbieharry on the set of downtown 81. #jeanmichelbasquiat

both from #gusvansant 108 portraits. dreamy 1992 publication mail if you want it

#sophiacoppola 1992 by #gusvansant

#riverphoenix 1990 by #gusvansant

so rare many doubted it existed at all. #iainmckell #subculture self published 1979. hold tight @wildlifepress for digging it up! mail if you want it

youthful insight. from #iainmckell #subculture 1979

more of the #rarestoftherare this one #iainmckell #subculture props to @wildlifepress for this one

and #skinheads 2002. all from #exactitudes the first and original edition! cream of the crop mail if you want it

#flygirls rotterdam 2002

#gabber techno massive rotterdam 1994