Monday, 21 July 2014

one of the best lookbooks I've seen for donkeys. shot by #davidsims styled #joemckenna directed #marcascoli designed #mmparis for #jilsander 1997-1998 mail if you want it

#davidsims #joemckenna #marcascoli for #jilsander designed by #mmparis 1997

ooh! #jilsander a/w 1997/1998 shot my #davidsims styled by #joemckenna and art directed by #marcascoli that's a dream team if ever there was one

good taste/bad taste #bobcarlosclarke obsession 1987 mail if you want it

ummmm. yeah #bobcarlosclarke

bouncing beyond the boundaries of good taste. #bobcarlosclarke 1987

betty boop y bebes sincopados 1980

all hail the Spanish new wave! coming soon...

#themotels 1980

lovely 1976 effort from #ericalennard mail if you want it

armpits in california, 1974 #ericalennard

Paris 1974 by #ericalennard